

You know that UAVs can significantly improve your business’ day to day operations, but you also know that there are a variety of rulings, regulations, and requirements that must be addressed to successfully (and legally) use these UAVs. If only you had someone experienced in navigating these waters. Theiss UAV is your solution!

With recent FAA rulings on UAV operations, civil entities are now able to leverage this powerful technology to achieve company goals. This includes increased employee safety, reduced inspection timeframes, reduced inspection costs, and overall reductions in equipment maintenance and costs. To take advantage of this technology, it is imperative that these entities become informed and well trained in UAV operations, and educated in the legalities and requirements of the FAA for proper UAV operations within the National Airspace.

Theiss UAV Solutions is able to address a variety of needs that you may encounter in pursuing your own UAV Operations Group. We will work with the FAA to obtain necessary flight permits. We will help you form a UAV Operations Group and identify practical paths for avoiding operational and legal “pitfalls.” We will train your UAV personnel. And we will supply the actual UAV Systems specific to your needs.